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Saturday, December 18, 2010

10 Exciting Fun-filled Family Activities to Brighten Your Christmas!!!

Hi Parents,

Season Greeting to You All!

As I had related in my recent post,'your children DESIRE gifts but most of all, 'your children NEED YOU'. Connecting with your children is the greatest gift you can give them.  The feelings of joy that you will get as a result of their laughter, smiles and hugs are priceless.
Plan with your children fun activities to do things that don’t involve spending tons of money. Children usually possess fun ideas that are buzzing with creativity.   Here are some ideas guaranteed to put a smile on your face and bring out the 'joy of Christmas from within:
1)Arrange a family games evening with the option to invite close friends and compete against each other. Games could include scribbles, chess, snake and ladder, monopoly and some self-made games.

2)Make a gratitude tree. Help young children write on cards everything that they are grateful for. Tie your cards on an indoor tree as a daily reminder of all the good things in your life.

3)Prepare a new dish using an exotic recipe. Children love baking and cooking. 

4)Decorate the Christmas tree with self- made ornaments cut out of cardboard, kitchen foil and interesting materials found around the home. 

5)Host a 'Stand- up Comedy night' or 'Karaoke night' where friends and family all have the opportunity to share in the performances.

6)Ask your children to design and make Christmas cards to give away so as to share  warm Christmas greetings. 

7)Bake a Christmas cake for someone less fortunate in your neighborhood.

8)Do an activity together that all family enjoy but have been putting off all year round.  This may include walking, riding or going on a road trip.

9)Watch a favourite family movie or comedy together.  Laughter is said to be good medicine for the soul.

10) Make a personalised gift from recycled material around the home.

Share the Joy this Christmas!

Yours  truly

PS. Leave your comment to let me know if you found this article interesting.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Give Your Child The Greatest Gift this Christmas!!!

Hi Parents,

Season Greeting to You All!!!  

With only 8 days to the BIG DAY, Christmas!!!  Many  parents are usually troubled, distressed, and perplexed during this season.  We sometimes accommodate these negative feelings of powerlessness as we are unable to purchase that special gift for our children.  The Greatest secret that we overlook is not that your child DESIRES a gift for Christmas, but believe it yes or no, your child NEEDS you for Christmas. 

Giving your child 'Special Time' this holiday promises to be an opportunity to transform your relationship to another level.  Simply connect with your child over a home-cooked meal; family games; watching a favourite TV programme, or just talking about your New Year's resolution of making 'Special Time' a priority for 2011.

Give your child the greatest gift this Christmas, 'Time with YOU'.

Speak Soon
'Touching Billions of Lives Effortlessly'

PS.  Coming Soon!!! Launching my brand new website where you'll have the opportunity to claim loads of FREE gifts at: jeniceclarke.com

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'3 Benefits of Using Positive Discipline'

Hi Parents,

Welcome Back!!!  

Your child desires to be disciplined by you.  It is proven that children feel more secured and loved when they live in family units where they are given guidance and boundaries by which to live. Using 'Positive Discipline techniques' such as modelling, clear instructions and praise among others are effective in helping you to realize your dreams of raising a well-mannered, confident and successful child. 

3 Benefits of using 'Positive Discipline' are that it:

1) Improves your Relationship with your Child

Every opportunity to have positive interactions with your child, is an  opportunity to have positive bonding experiences. Often parents think 'Discipline' means ' punishment' and we punish using 'fear'.  However, discipline means ' to teach' and is more effective in helping your child to learn positive behaviour.  And will allow you to achieve that warm and loving relationship with your child, you so much desire right now.

2) Builds Your Confidence to Manage Your Child's Misbehavior

By learning a 'Process of Discipline' you will understand that if the first thing you try does not positively influence your child's behaviour, you can calmly and systematically go on to the next approach. 

3) Enhances Your Child Self Worth

By using positive teaching and communication techniques, you can enhance your child's sense of self (self-esteem), and encourge your child to accept responsibility for his/her actions (self discipline), in order to successfully function as an adult in this society (social competence).

Speak Soon
'Touching Billions of Lives Effortlessly'

PS.  Coming Soon!!! Launching my brand new website where you'll have the opportunity to claim loads of FREE gifts at: jeniceclarke.com

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'A Memorable Group Experience'

Hi Friend,

Welcome Back!!!

I looking forward to my engagement with a wonderful and excited group of parents in London.  We have started a 13 weeks journey in September 2010... we will be completing week 12 later today 14/12/10.  This journey have exposed all parents to a 'Tool Kit' of various 'Positive Disciplining Techniques'.

 Last week we had a visitor to the group who asked the parents to give feedback on the effectiveness of the programme.  I was impressed; proud; and felt rewarded as their group facilitator, as the parents' responses indicated that they had a wide variety of positive disciplining techniques at their finger tips to improve the behaviour of their children. 

In today's session, we will be focusing on reviewing the content of the programme; discussing the option of these parents continuing to  meet as a supportive community following the end of the 13 weeks programme.  Also we will be making plans for parents' graduation programme next Tuesday 21/12/10.  I know that the parents are very excited about receiving their certificate of completion next week...can't wait...will give you the updates and post some pictures...

Speak Soon
'Touching Billions of Lives Effortlessly'

PS.  Coming Soon!!! launching my brand new website where you'll have the opportunity to claim loads of FREE gifts at: jeniceclarke.com

Monday, December 13, 2010

'A Parent Struggles to Achieve the Work Life Balance!!!'

I am sure you'll agree that it sometimes go crazy being a parent.  I am a mother of two children ages 15 and 10 years:  And working a high-demand full time position.  I many times ask myself:  Is my hope of 'Work Life Balance' achievable??? 

 There are days when I feel like I am moving above and beyond the highway speed limits-running to catch the train:attending meetings:completing reports:meeting the needs of customers:then repeating the process of running to catch the evening train: arriving home death-beat: of no use to my two lovely children. 

I sometimes get upset, even annoy at my children: As if to say that their demands for a little attention is too much to give: Physically there BUT emotionally absent.   I am sure you can identify with me and this endless struggle we experience to achieve the 'Work Life Balance'. 

 I am also not ignorant of the fact that stay-at-home parents (whether mom or dad) sometimes experience similar feelings of being on a threadmill:  Always completing chores and cleaning up after young children.  In the end, not having much time for bonding and completing enjoyable activities you would to do with your family.

My New Year Resolution for 2011 is to work smarter; at the same time achieving more.  I am planning on  making my exit from what is called the  'Rat Race'.  My head is still buzzing with business ideas following my attendance at the 'Women Millionaire Boot Camp' recently held in London.  My dream as a parent is to be able to have a lifestyle  of freedom where I can earn 'passive income' hence having the time to bond with my children, loveones and friends. 

I dream of travelling the world with my family...watch this space.  If I can dream it...I can live it!!!

Speak Soon
'Touching Billions of Lives Effortlessly'

PS.  Coming Soon!!! launching my brand new website where you'll have the opportunity to claim loads of FREE gifts at: jeniceclarke.com

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